Lawn Care

Hall | Stewart Lawn Care Application Programs are specifically tailored for your lawn and designed to give you

your best lawn.


Application 1 – Early Spring Pre-emergent

Bermuda: Liquid pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control

Fescue: Granular pre-emergent weed control, post-emergent weed control, and slow releasing fertilizer

Application 2 – Spring Fertilizer & Weed Control

Bermuda: Granular slow release fertilizer and spot treatment of weeds

Fescue: Granular slow release fertilizer and spot treatment of weeds

Application 3 – Late Spring Pre-Emergent

Bermuda: Iron along with liquid pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control

Fescue: Iron along with liquid pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control

Application 4 – Early Summer Fertilizer & Weed Control

Bermuda: Granular fertilizer and spot treatment of weeds

Fescue: Hou-Actinite fertilizer and spot treatment of weeds

Application 5 – Summer Fertilizer & Weed Control

Bermuda: Granular fertilizer and spot treatment of weeds

Fescue: Hou-Actinite fertilizer and spot treatment of weeds

Application 6 – Fall Fertilizer & Weed Control

Bermuda: Granular fertilizer, pre-emergent weed control, and post-emergent weed control

Fescue: Slow release granular fertilizer and spot treatment of weeds

Application 7 – Weed Control

Bermuda: Pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control

Fescue: Granular fertilizer and spot treatment of weeds


Additional Lawn & LANDSCAPE Services



Timely scheduled applications to keep you lawn safe for pets and outdoor activities. 


Regularly scheduled applications to prevent and control insect and disease as well as the proper nutrients to insure your landscape investment is healthy.   


Early spring audit to insure the system is functioning properly and set for spring weather. 4 additional visits will insure the system has proper coverage for early summer, late summer, fall and winter. Systems without freeze protection will be winterized.    


Five timely visits to increase outdoor enjoyment and limit the health risk associated with the insect. 


Spring application to reduce and limit Bermuda growth where you desire to have only cool season turf.    


Mechanical process to reduce soil compaction and improve air, nutrient and water movement to the root zone resulting in a healthier and denser turf. 


Establishment of fescue in the fall using methods that increase seed-soil contact and results. Fescue grass is the best turf for shady turf areas and best established in the fall.