October Lawn & Landscape Tips

October 2020 Tips.jpg

October = Fall…right?   

Fall?   The official first day of fall came and went and the daily high temperature didn’t get the memo.  (Yes, I used the exact same sentence in last year’s October Lawn and Landscape Tips!)

Higher-than-average temperatures aren’t your lawn and landscape’s biggest concern.  The lack of moisture is a big problem!  (Again, a repeat line from 2022!)

The September average monthly rainfall in the Oklahoma City area is 4”, typically our 3rd wettest month.   This year most of the metro has received 2” or less. 

You are looking forward to Fall and so is your lawn and landscape!  Cooler nights.  Cooler days.  And, yes, more moisture.

Fall is an important time in the landscape.  Much of your lawn and landscape success next season is dependent on what you do this fall.

Here are a few things to stay focused on during October:

With the abnormally dry September, take time to inspect shrubs. Shrubs planted this year, such as this Little Limelight Hydrangea, may need an extra deep soaking.

With the abnormally dry September, take time to inspect shrubs. Shrubs planted this year, such as this Little Limelight Hydrangea, may need an extra deep soaking.

Watering – If you have completely stopped watering, you stopped too early.  Your lawn and landscape require at least 1” of moisture every week through the fall. 

Moisture is important for plants as we head into the winter.  Don’t allow your landscape to experience drought stress now. 

Because day length is shorter, the sun angle is lower, and temperatures are cooler in October, deep soaking every 4 days for established lawns and landscapes is the best practice.  Newly planted fall seasonal color or new landscape plantings will need to be watered more often.     

If you need more information on watering see our article from September 10, Fall Irrigation Changes Coming Soon!

One of the best practices for your lawn and landscape this fall is to continue to water for long periods just like you do in the summer but reduce how often you water. Shallow rooted landscapes are often the result of shallow, frequent watering.  Healthy, deep-rooted landscapes are the result of deep, infrequent watering.

Overseeding – September and October are the best time of the year to establish Fescue from seed.  This year, due to warmer temperatures, many have waited to seed their fescue.  Even if temperatures are above normal, if you have not overseeded your fescue areas yet, now is the time to get it done.    October seeded Fescue will have time to germinate and mature before we receive our first freeze in late November or early December.   

Remember, the keys to successful seeding are good seed-soil contact and keeping the seed consistently moist until it germinates.

Most disappointment with overseeding is due to not keeping the seed consistently moist for two weeks until it germinates.  The worst thing for new seed is for the seed to be moist, then dry out, then moist, and then dry out again.  Pay extra attention to lawn edges where the soil dries quicker, and water coverage may not be perfect.

Lawns that have already been overseeded and have been kept consistently moist for at least two weeks are flourishing, even though it has been warmer than normal.  However, lawns that have not been kept moist or have uneven water distribution have areas that are lagging.  If you have areas that are struggling to germinate, supplemental watering in those areas will get the seed germinating. 

For more information on overseeding, visit our article from September 3, Four Common Ways to Fail at Establishing Fescue.

This fescue lawn was overseeded 2 weeks ago. The lawn was kept consistently moist resulting in successful germination. The lawn is watered with rotor-type heads on 25-30’ spacing which ran for approximately 10 mins 3x per day since seeding.

Newly seeded fescue 14 days after germination.

Newly seeded fescue 14 days after germination.

Oak Leak Hydrangeas are also known to brighten the October landscape with hues of red.

This fescue lawn was overseeded the first week of September. The area is watered with spray-type heads on 12-15’ centers. The system was set to run at 4:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 4:00 PM, 4 minutes per zone, daily for two weeks. Successful seeding in early September is less about the afternoon temperature and more about consistent moisture.

Fescue two weeks after being overseeded.

Fescue two weeks after being overseeded.

As I have been making our customary two-to-three-week follow-up visits after overseeding, I have witnessed the impact of not keeping the seed consistently moist.

Results on lawns seeded the same day in the same neighborhoods vary greatly depending on if they are kept moist or allowed to dry out between watering.


Bermuda Lawn Maintenance – As cooler nights arrive, and days continue to get shorter, warm season lawn growth will slow in October resulting in fewer cuttings in October.  

Avoid scalping the lawn short to finish off the season.  Anytime grass is scalped the plant uses nutrients stored in the roots to produce new leaf blades.  Scalping in the fall will result in a weaker root system going into winter.   Leaving your Bermuda lawn at 2” to 2.5” during the dormant season gives your lawn a layer of protection against extreme cold temperatures and weed germination.

It’s hard to beat the deep rich greens of fescue in October!

Japanese Maples return to bright red this month.

Japanese Maples return to bright red this month.

Fall is the best time to add shrubs. Consider adding shrubs that add color to the fall landscape, such as Burning Bush.

Fall is the best time to add shrubs. Consider adding shrubs that add color to the fall landscape, such as Burning Bush.

Lawn Fertilizer – Fertilize cool-season lawns with a high-nitrogen fertilizer this month.  Fall is the best time to feed fescue. 

If you have a Bermuda lawn, put away the high-nitrogen fertilizer for the season.  Even though soil temperatures are still warm enough to promote growth and add color for Bermuda lawns, late nitrogen applications are considered a causal agent in the promotion of spring dead spot.

Fescue Lawn Maintenance – Fescue thrives when nighttime temperatures are cooler and day length is shorter.   

The beauty of fescue in the Fall is unsurpassed by any other turf grass.  Mow regularly.  Avoid cutting more than 1/3 of the leaf blade off each time you mow. 


One of the strongest landscape statements you can make is

achieved with a well-maintained fescue lawn in the fall.


Don’t cut off Endless Summer Hydrangea blossoms.  They will turn a vibrant pink later this month.

Bald Cypress turn a beautiful rusty red in October.

Bald Cypress turn a beautiful rusty red in October.

Turf Weed Control – Lawns need two fall pre-emergent applications.  If you have not applied the first fall pre-emergent yet, please do so as soon as possible.  For the best prevention of fall and winter weeds the first application before soil temperatures consistently drop into the 60s.  The current 3-day average soil temperature in the Oklahoma City metro is 75.

October through early December, a second, winter pre-emergent needs to be applied to keep your lawn weed-free until next spring. 

Fall is also a great time to control many broadleaf weeds in warm-season turf and established cool-season turf. 

If you seeded your fescue this fall, wait until the new grass is up, actively growing, and has been mowed a few times before you apply any pre-emergent herbicides. 


The best way to have a clean lawn next spring is to apply two fall

pre-emergent applications this fall, one early and one late.

Spring Dead Spot Management – Spring dead spot is a common disease of bermuda lawns.  Spring dead spot shows up in lawns in the spring as lawns are greening up.  If you have experienced this problem, a fungicide treatment may help stop the spread of the disease.  Now is the time to make an application.  A second application 30 days later will result in better control than a single fall application. 

Spring dead spot damage is noticeable in the spring. If you have experienced this disease, now is the time to treat with a fungicide to stop the spread of the disease.

Spring dead spot damage is noticeable in the spring. If you have experienced this disease, now is the time to treat with a fungicide to stop the spread of the disease.

Have you seen all the monarchs this week?  If your landscape has lantana, there is a good chance monarchs are checking your landscape out.

Maples are one of the first trees to celebrate fall.

Maples are one of the first trees to celebrate fall.

Tree and Shrub Fertilizer – Do not fertilize trees and shrubs in October.  Fertilizing now can encourage new growth that will not have an opportunity to harden off before the first freeze, which may result in plant damage.    Wait to fertilize after we have received our first heavy frost or light freeze.


Over the next few weeks Bald Cypress will add rusty orange shades to the landscape.

Seasonal Color – Remove your summer annuals and replace with pansies, kale, and mums for great fall color this month.  Pansies love the cool weather.  Not only will they provide great color this fall, but if they are not allowed to dry out during the coldest periods of winter, they will offer a wonderful blast of color next March and April.   

We covered fall seasonal color in more detail in our September 17, article, Coming Soon to a Landscape Near You – Fall Seasonal Color.  

October is the month to remove your summer annual color color and replace with pansies.

October is the month to remove your summer annual color color and replace with pansies.

Nandina and many other shrubs add bright red berries to the landscape during the fall.

Nandina and many other shrubs add bright red berries to the landscape during the fall.

I’m looking forward to the bright October red of Boston Ivy.

I’m looking forward to the bright October red of Boston Ivy.

Fall seasonal color change.

Fall seasonal color change.

An unexpected fall color is the bright plumes of Pink Muhly Grass.

An unexpected fall color is the bright plumes of Pink Muhly Grass.

This has been a great summer for lantana.  Hot & dry!

Landscape Plantings – Fall is the best time to plant most container-grown trees and shrubs.  Because soil temperatures remain warm long after the days turn cooler, materials planted in the fall develop strong roots before the following summer heat arrives. 

Often late spring and summer planted container materials don’t develop roots till the following summer. 

Fall-planted materials can gain an entire year of development over plants installed in the spring and summer.  Wait to plant ball and burlapped trees until after the first freeze if possible. 

Shillouette Sweetgum, a great tree for small spaces, will put on a great show late in October.

The last few days nearly every lawn in an area with native areas close by has damage from an armadillo, possum or skunk. Their native areas are void of food due to the drought. A healthy lawn is the perfect place for them to forage for food.

I’m confident Fall will arrive, temperatures will drop, trees will change, and we will all be in awe of fall colors. 

Don’t lose your focus on good lawn and landscape practices as the season slows down.  Your efforts this month not only will reward you now but will also set your lawn and landscape up for a great spring.

Now, go spend time outside!   

If you have questions or need help with any lawn and landscape needs, give us a call. 


Lorne Hall

Hall|Stewart Lawn + Landscape


Armadillo Turf Damage – Last September and October our clients had damage caused by animals foraging for food.  This year, although it isn’t as widespread, again we are seeing turf damage caused by armadillos, skunks, and possums. 

Anytime we experience a dry late summer and early fall their food sources in native areas diminish.  If you live near wooded areas, creeks, or lakes, there is a chance you or your neighbors have experienced damage.

Armadillos are attracted to lawns because the soil is moist, easy to forage in, and contains food.  Grubs, worms, and almost any insect is a food source.  Once they find a good place to find food, they return time and time again.

The damage is mostly aesthetic and a nuisance.  Bermuda lawns recover quickly.  But, for fescue lawns recovery is slow.

If you are experiencing turf damage the primary control is trapping.  You can treat your lawn with an insecticide to remove their food source, but you are also removing beneficial insects.  If you have a history of grub activity or are seeing signs of grub damage, then a treatment is recommended.  But, because armadillos return to areas where they have found food if you apply an insecticide after they have damaged your lawn, there is a good chance they will come foraging again.

Home remedy treatments include cloves of crushed garlic or cayenne powder.  Armadillos have a strong sense of smell and are repelled by strong smells.  There are also armadillo repellents available.  Home remedies and repellents require you to treat the area frequently, if not nightly, for them to be effective.

For more information, see this Fact Sheet Publication from Oklahoma State University, Dealing with Armadillos | Oklahoma State University (okstate.edu)